印度金融科技公司 Mintoak 近日以约 350 万美元收购了专注于央行数字货币领域的初创公司 Digiledge。这是印度 CBDC 领域首个并购案例,Mintoak 此前获得了 PayPal 和 HDFC 银行的投资支持。 通过此次收购,Mintoak 将整合 Digiledge 在 CBDC 和账单支付方面的专业技术,为其合作银行(包括 HDFC 银行、Axis 银行和印度国家银行)提供更全面的数字卢比支付解决方案。
In response to criticism from security researcher @CloakdDev, Phantom, Solana's on-chain crypto wallet, said a recent vulnerability did not pose a threat to the security of users' funds. In a public statement, Phantom apologized for the delay in communication and reiterated its commitment to security, saying: "We are confident that this vulnerability does not compromise users' funds in any way." However, Phantom did not provide further technical details or a timeline for potential countermeasure...
Blockchain investor Oak Grove Ventures has completed a strategic investment in innovative blockchain platform DuckChain. This investment is designed to support the expansion of DuckChain's technical team, promote Product Research & Development, and deepen its synergies with the Telegram ecosystem. DuckChain is an innovative startup focused on blockchain technology solutions, with a platform based on TON's EVM solution, dedicated to providing seamless decentralized application development support...
区块链投资机构 Oak Grove Ventures 完成对创新区块链平台 DuckChain 的战略投资,本次投资旨在支持 DuckChain 的技术团队扩展、推动产品研发,并深化其与 Telegram 生态的协同发展。 DuckChain 是一家专注于区块链技术解决方案的创新型初创公司,其平台基于 TON 的 EVM 解决方案,致力于为超 3000 万 Telegram 用户提供无缝的去中心化应用开发支持。
Class A share solid-state battery plate was adjusted at the beginning, Oak shares fell more than 10%, Zhongyuan New Materials, Huafeng shares, Binhai Energy, and Youyan New Materials all hit the limit.
12:00-21:00 Keywords: Halo Capital, Oak Capital, Weifang, Shandong, Monochrome 1. The WazirX attacker address has transferred 5000 ETH to a new address. 2. Crypto venture capital fund Halo Capital raised $25 million; 3. Trump will adopt Musk's proposal for a government efficiency commission. 4. Central Bank: As of the end of June, the cumulative transaction amount of digital RMB was nearly 7 trillion yuan; 5. Co-founder of Oaktree Capital: US interest rates will not fall below 3% after the Feder...
Howard Marks of Oaktree Capital said US interest rates would be in the 3-4 per cent range after the Fed cut rates. Mr. Marks, co-chairperson and co-founder of Oaktree Capital, told a conference in Melbourne on Thursday that the Fed would cut rates from 5.25 per cent, 5.5 per cent in an emergency to the 3 per cent line. He also stressed that he believed rates would remain at the 3 per cent line and would not return to zero, 0.5 per cent or 1 per cent.
Ava Protocol (formerly known as OAK Network) has launched its mainnet on Ethereum. The team says this will enable developers to integrate event-driven hypertransactions without custom code, simplify complex on-chain operations, provide advanced features beyond the Ethereum virtual machine, and support automated tasks such as payments and dynamic NFT casting. As previously reported, Ava Protocol completed a $10 million seed round with investors including Electric Capital, Taisu Ventures, and Poly...
Crypto analyst punk9059 said in a social media post that the Nakamigos Cloaks Bat is priced at 5.5 ETH. I don't know much about Cloaks, so I can't understand the deal. The deal was twice the reserve price, but did pay Opensea more than $400. It is understood that the Nakamingos series of NFTs was previously a Free mint project.
On June 12th, zCloak Network and Hong Kong Cyberport officially signed a Web3 PoC (Proof of Concept) program funding agreement. According to the plan, Cyberport will provide financial support to support zCloak Network technology and products for proof-of-concept.
6月12日消息,zCloak Network与香港数码港正式签订了Web3 PoC (概念验证)计划资助协议。按照计划,数码港将提供资金支持,支援zCloak Network技术和产品进行概念验证。
Od数字资产投顾管理平台 OakSmart 于 UTC 时间 3 月 12 日 10:00(北京时间 18:00)开始全球公开测试,标志着其迈向全新的发展阶段。 OakSmart 与资管机构 TradingLink 重新构建财富分配体系,将为全球用户带来更多的投资服务。